1 min read

Just Do It

What are you holding yourself back from right now? Go do it.
Being a perfectionist is the antithesis of the Silicon Valley ethos. If you wait until it's perfect, you will never ship. Just send it.

I've been working on living this mantra and leaning in towards shipping faster. This blog is one such example - I've been meaning to set this up for years, but always wanted to polish it more. At this point, I realize that I simply need to start publishing to share the nuggets of knowledge I have before they fade into obscurity.

This echoes into other parts of my life as well. I was recently invited as a guest on two different podcasts. Initially I wanted to ask for a month of time to prepare. Just now, I booked a slot for this coming Wednesday because there's simply no reason to delay - it's only fear of failure and pre-emptive shame of embarrassment that holds me down.

Time to live. What are you holding yourself back from right now? Go do it.